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Translations of CV in Warsaw

When we start looking for a job – regardless of whether we debut in this role or whether it is to be our next employment – we care about being able to stand out from the group of candidates enough to be able to apply for the best possible position. A good CV is the key element here . It mostly depends on its form whether we will attract the attention of a potential employer.

Already preparation of a CV in Polish is not easy. The network is full of tips on how to do it properly (what is worse, sometimes you may come across conflicting information). We consider which template to choose, how to layout particular paragraphs, what elements should be highlighted, and which should be diplomatically covered up ... A lot depends on what position we are applying for: when our goal is an advertising agency, we focus on creativity and non-schematic thinking. In the case of an administrative post, we will rather emphasize that we are organized and neat.

Why is it worth translating your CV?

More and more often, you can find adverts in foreign languages, mostly English, on job portals. Sometimes they are posted by a foreign company, sometimes the team consists largely of foreigners and usually Polish is seldom spoken in the office, and sometimes it is a signal for the candidate that he will be required to be highly proficient in a given language. Anyway, also application documents should be submitted in the language of the advertisement.. In this way we increase our chances, we can draw attention to our practical skills, use sophisticated vocabulary and show that we know the specifics of the industry we want to enter. Unfortunately, it may turn out that despite the best intentions we make a mistake and instead of charming the employer, we will discourage them.

Why a professional CV translation?

A good translator not only speaks the language they translate very well, but also knows its characteristic features and the way of functioning of the culture different to the Polish culture. The rules of writing CVs in our country do not have to work out with foreigners. Therefore, even if we are really fluent in a language, it's worth entrusting the translation of a CV to a specialist who is aware of what mistakes to avoid. A wrongly structured CV with defects immediately gives the employer a signal that there is something wrong with our, entered in the rubric, "skills" excellent command of the language. They may take it as dishonesty and we may be disqualified at the very beginning.

Professional CV translations at the Lingua Group

In Poland there is no habit of placing the so-called professional profile, – a few sentences summarizing the previous achievements of the candidate. Abroad, however, it is required. Dalej – in our country we often emphasize the name of the company we have recently worked at, whereas for an Englishman it will be important to emphasize the position itself. Another thing that we often forget about sending a CV outside the country is the profile of the companies we were employed in. For a Pole, it is obvious what PZU or PKO is, but for a foreigner it is not.

Translators cooperating with the Lingua Group office will provide a professional translation of a CV and other application letters , such as cover letters, preserving the spirit of the original, but adjusting the document to the standards binding abroad. Having such a CV will definitely increase our chances on the labor market and make our way to the dream position easier.

CV translations - language offer

About "LinguaGroup" - Translation Agency in Warsaw

We have been working in the translation industry for many years and provide services to organizations, enterprises and individuals. We have an excellent reputation and value our image, which we earned honestly and put a lot of effort into it. Working on translations we help our clients to accomplish all their tasks.

The team of LinguaGroup Translation Agency in Warsaw are professional translators who know the specifics of using foreign languages. We provide translations of legal, technical and medical tekts, advertising materials, credit and financial documentation, and analytical texts. If you need a competently and professionally made translation, LinguaGroup experts are ready for work!

Lingua Group - Biuro Tłumaczeń Przysięgłych w Warszawie
ul. Armii Krajowej 76, 05-075 Warszawa
Tel.: (+48) 513 777 957, mail:
NIP: 8222372255, REGON: 381403180
